PMOutfitters Alaska Fishing

Hello, I'm David Roller, owner of Pere Marquette Outfitters, the oldest, locally owned guide service on the Pere Marquette River.
Five generations strong, on the Pere Marquette River, I've spent 49 of my 59 years pursuing fish that have made the “PM” famous...Browns, Steelhead, and Salmon. I have been able to turn my passion for fishing and waterfowl into my full-time job and livelihood for the last 43 years. Some would say, "I'm livin' the dream!"
Located near Baldwin, Michigan, Pere Marquette Outfitters is within a short drive of some of North America’s finest fishing. The Pere Marquette, Muskegon, Manistee, Upper Manistee, Betsie, and Muskegon rivers and their seasonable migratory patterns offer exceptional year-round fishing opportunities for multiple fish species, including King Salmon, Steelhead, German Brown Trout, and more!
While the fishing in Michigan is nothing but exceptional, I am always searching for new and exciting places to fish. That is what brought me to Alaska and the Alagnak River. After one trip up, I knew that I had to share that summer fishing experience with others! So, in 1997, a few trusted customers and I set out for Alaska with rented equipment and started fly fishing the famed National Wild and Scenic Alagnak River pursuing trophy Rainbows, Grayling, and all five species of salmon! For the next 7 years, my brother Kurt and I hosted week-long float trips with up to three 16’ Catarafts down this beautiful spectacle of a river for a comfortable six-night, seven-day adventure, witnessing what has taken Mother Nature thousands of years to carve out.

In 2015, I was fortunate to acquire a prime piece of property along the Alagnak River and build “Alaska’s Alagnak Wilderness Camp.” With this home base, we can now offer our customers a more comfortable and bountiful fishing experience without losing the authenticity of traveling up and down the Alagnak. Right out our front door, you will catch Salmon, Trout, Grayling, and more, all while spotting deer, bald eagles, and the occasional moose. Needless to say, Alaska is the experience of a lifetime!
We are not “cookie cutters.” We are the original cookie. My group of guides and I are not only the most knowledgeable on the “PM” and the Alagnak, but also, we are the hardest working guides on the river. Period! Many of our customers have been with us since our inception in 1979, and we proudly hale many 25+ year veterans.
I hope to see you on the river soon!
David Roller